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The AI rehabilitator assistant

Personalized healing therapy


Training assistant

Self evaluation and control


Participation and control

Corporate movement challenges

Artificial Intelligence
In Real-Time

Our platform includes AR (augmented reality)
objects to gamify the exercises.

Digitize image

Incoming images, captured by a camera device, are converted to setpoints in a 3D space.

Identify an action

Our algorithm recognizes a set of movements performed by the user.


Our system provides feedback to the user, in order to improve their posture and movements while counting the repetitions.


Users can access to their private area, where they meet their daily challenge, with personalized routines and exercises.

Our Technology

At, we aim to use pioneering tools provided by artificial intelligence to identify and infer human behavior from people’s movements. To do so, we are able to estimate the pose (position) of one or several people in a scene, through a set of points per human being, which follows an anatomical criterion.

The extraction, or inference, of these points, results in the estimation of the human pose, which allows us to identify patterns of human behavior.



Improfit Computer Vision allows HCP to asses and track patients progress. Enables the design of personalized exercises in real time with augmented reality both for body and neural rehabilitation.

Helps strike a balance between face to face and remote therapy. Increases efficiency in time and cost.

Patients feel motivated to progress by detailed visual feedback and personalized treatment.



Improfit ensures exercises are performed right and safe, giving instant feedback to the user.

Counts repetition and challenges to obtain better results.

Allows to create specific exercesises for any sport or activity. Seeks for posture perfection.


Corporate Fitness

Governments and companies are aware of the importance of healthy habits for employees. Many firms around the world are running corporate fitness programs to promotes body movement and exercise during working hours.

Improfit offers programs to promote wellbeing through consueling and excercise in the work enviroment, with anonymus data capture.

For kids, social health through training and exercise, have been created for Bimbo, by introducing some simple routines the participants can complete daily.



Core Team


Andreu Casadellà
CEO & Founder


Aldo Chiecchia

Felipe Campo

Felipe Campo
Principal Software Engineer

Javier Laplaza

Javier Laplaza
Computer Vision Engineer

Health Advisors

Tech & Business advisors


Lluís Guirao
PhD , Medical Doctor

Daniela Ferrer

Daniela Ferrer
Digital Strategy Advisor

David Boronat

David Boronat
Business and Strategy Advisor

Pablo Prieto

Pablo Prieto
Funding and Strategy Advisor

Health Advisors


Lluís Guirao
PhD , Medical Doctor

Tech & Business advisors

Daniela Ferrer

Daniela Ferrer
Digital Strategy Advisor

David Boronat

David Boronat
Business and Strategy Advisor

Pablo Prieto

Pablo Prieto
Funding and Strategy Advisor


Are there customized exercises?

Yes, we have a range of exercises.

How do we evaluate the exercises?

With the help of our algorithms, the images are compared with setpoint and a score from 0 to 10 is assigned according to performance.

Advantages of using Improfit

The system makes it easy to track your physical activity by counting the repetitions you do in your routines. It also allows you to see how identical the movement is to the reference model through an evaluation system.

How does Improfit work?

Through a device’s camera, our algorithm converts the images into a map of points. Then, we recognise the user’s movements and our system generates feedback so you can improve your posture and movements while counting repetitions.

Who are we?

We are a B2B2C platform that evaluates and quantifies physical exercises with a musculoskeletal (MSK) approach using computer vision and artificial intelligence in real-time; in order to improve people’s lives through training and rehabilitation. In addition, our platform includes AR (augmented reality) objects to gamify exercises.

What tools does the end user need?

All they need is an up-to-date mobile device/computer/tablet with a camera, it’s that easy!

Do you keep my videos?

No. Our algorithm only works with setpoints, without saving the actual images in order not to violate user privacy.

I am interested in a demo

Write us with your request and complete contact details to and we will contact you.

I have more questions

Write us all your questions to As soon as we receive them, we will do our best to answer them.